Episode 5 : Ku ada Kamu

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Just like every 23rd of each month,ill never to forget and miss to post an entry...khas untuk My En.Keding...here's the post for this month...

Malu kjap...

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Baru kul9.30pm..tapi mata dah macam mamai2...tengok adik tido kat tepi ni memang ngudang betol...hahhaha...masuk FB tadi..xder benda nak tengok..then nampak fellow UNITENarians wishing each other gud luck for the final exam week...

Aku yang bosan ni,trus gie cmmnt kat status tu sebab nak wish them all the best..xpandang kiri kanan trus ucap...

In a way there's differences in us

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Heyy you'll..wassup wassup..wat have u guys been up to?Me?? Noting much actually...laze around kat rumah..makan ..tido..on9...that's all about it...well,im not here to talk bout what im doing at home..instead...just wanna share sumting...its a video actually...

Tiada yang kedua

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First n for most...

1) I did a little renovation to my blog...u see the differences???Nampak tak??nampak?tak nampak???I changed my background lahh...Amacam??Is it much better than before??i hope it does..cos im kindda happy with it..yeayy me..=)

2) It's study week already..It means that next week is FINALS...phewww...im on break..so no stress for me...heee..jus wishing my frenz Gud luck & all the Best answering...chaiyokkk...gambate..!!

Vacancy in MPOB

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Its Sunday n im superbly BOSAN...huhuh...sedeyh nyerr...saya sangatsangat bosan ok..seharian mengadap lappy sampi rase nak muntah jer tengok FB...lastlast...was thinking wat good use of internet i can get...survey punya survey..tetibe..tergatal tangan nak bukak page Malaysian Palm Oil Board..haaa..saper yang xtau pasal organisasi ni??gie cepat2 google ok n find wat's MPOB is all about...

Cerekarama : Berkalung Noda..

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As usual,arini ari Sabtu...date Cerekarama Tv3 kul10pm dah jadi wajib...this week tajuk movie "Berkalung Noda"..korang yang laen ader tengok tak??tpu lah tak tengok..Fasha Sandha berlakon tuuuuu..aiseyhhh...rugi saper tak tengok...hehhh...*swuh tengok jer,tapi aku bukan peminat fanatik FS ok..=)"*

Haaa..bagi yang tak tengok...ni sinopsis of the story :

Mereka sama...tapi lain...

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Xder benda nak blog pun..tapi tangan gatal nak jugak carik idea nak post for today..heee..malam tadi,tengah sibuk sidai baju(yeapp,memang suke sidai baju tengah malam..so that,bila mak bangun pagi..dier ltk kat luar..by 12pm,baju dah kering and boley lipat)...ttber mak masuk dapo(dekat ngan tempat sidai)...

Weekends Updates

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Weeehooo..after sebulan tak balik hutan tercinta,FINALLY...im back for a short visit last weekend...took the morning(earliest) bus yang ader..pfttt...bus was suppose to leave Putra at 9am..tp sebab ALASAN jam nak sampai Putra from HQ...9.30am baru nampak terpacak kat Putra tu...left KL and started the journey at almost 10am...huarghhh..

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