New categori

Ohhh..ohh..nak bwat categori baru starting from now..its my TUMBLR collection...saper yang ader TUMBLR,u may follow me aitee if u wish tooo..thanxxx...=)

p/s : makin lame,makin moody...tak suka okayy..i wished u,n u juz replied "iyer"...sedeyh lah macam ni..rindu pun lebey rela pendam je sorang2 dalam hati;merapu meraban dalam it me who's being xtreme sensitive or there's just something else...we went thru this once,n ill deal with it till the week is over...i hope..its really gonna be the last week....T_T

3 viewers view:

NAD bolala said...

Sara! Be strong k, I know you'll get thru this phase. Biasalah dalam rshp ada pasang surutnya. Every could has a silver lightning. So, hope korang akan okay jee. everything happens for reasons. Jangan putus asa :)

k.sara said...

Nad : fine jerr..dia yang busy ngan keje..teramat busy... its ohk...semntara aku xder kat sane,biar jer lah dier ngan keje dier tu...huhuhh...

thanx babe...

NAD bolala said...

Hahaha biarkan dia cari duit banyak2 untuk future korang. Tade hal lahh :)


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