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Too many things to say but too little time. Tapi dalam banyak- banyak benda, I just wanna touch on puasa. Before I start, maaf lah kalau ada yang membaca entry ni,bakal tersentap terhiris kate bagai. Bukan niat nak attack or tunjuk baik kuat agama,but its also a reminder for myself. Leave me a comment & Raya nanti aku mintak maaf kat korang.

My lecturer once said :
 “ Jangan jadikan puasa sebagai alasan untuk men’delay’kan kerja  & jadikan kerja sebagai alasan untuk men’skip’ puasa. “

Random Updates

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Banyak benda nak cakap tulis, tapi macam tak tau jer macam mana nak start. Ni pun dah kira starting kan. HAHAH...So, here goes ;

Its about time

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Nothing much to write today. Well, tomorrow as scheduled my finals will officially be starting. Not just me, tapi the whole UNITENarian will be seating in DP scratching heads, puling hair, kerut dahi, angkat kening kiri kanan along with me.

Huhhh, okayy. Tak best paper hari Ahad kan. Nak bwat macam mane, Uniten tersayang memang macam ni.

First paper starting at 9.30am. Phewwwww.* sweat*

Shall prove to THEM i can improve in my results. Ohh, takmau lagi memaen & end up having free long holidays again. Bosan tauu.

Maths Magic

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Okay, benda ni maybe dah basi for some of u. But its something new to me & i just wanna share. Yang dah tau tu, duk dendiam. Heee =)

Lets start : (Most effective for scientific calculator)
Step 1 : Msukkn 3 no 1st hp anda tu *the 3 digits after 012/016/019 ..etc.*
Step 2 : Darab dgn 80
Step 3 : Tmbh 1
Step 4 : Press =,Ans Darab dgn 250
Step 5 : Cmpurkn 4 nmbor last hp anda
Step 6 : Skali lgi cmpurkn 4 nmbor trakhir td
Step 7 : Tolak 250
Step 8 : Bhgi dgn 2
p/s : Jangan gatal tekan '=' slagi tak smpai step 4 & after step 8 okayy.

Tell me what u get...=)

My first fish

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Another fishing trip yesterday. *yipiii*

Macam biasa, would leave Muadzam for our favourite fishing spot before berbuka,roughly  around 5.30pm. Tapi semalam schedule was a bit tunggang langgang due to some weather complication & akhirnya left Muadzam nearly 7pm. Memang tak lah nak sampai destinasi tujuan in time before berbuka(7.22pm). What we did? 

Haaa..Otaii ke takk..while driving pun bley berbuka. Hahaha.. Bley bayangkan? Bayangkan lahh. We did a "U drive I feed session" . *Gezzzzzz* Terasa romantik. >.<


Bless you

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I wrote an entry for YOU. But i decided not to post it. Motive taip pun, I'm not sure. YOU just happen to cross my mind at the moment.

Oh, well. I hope YOUR doing fine out there. It's been a year since THE date. I'm sorry. Truly I am. I didn't meant for IT to end that way though. YOU left me not choice after all aite. Who to blame then?

Making this entry short. I know u ain't reading this after all, so there's no need to write entry panjang melebar lagi bosan. Betol? *angguk saje*

Dear you,
I hope your doing fine & okay out there. It's been some time since we said HI. Do know that I am, YES I am, always praying for your success no matter what had happen. We could have been good friends instead, but there's just no way of that happening aite. Anyways, even without me being there, u have & will always be great in your own ways. Cutting this short. Just wanna wish you a HAPPY BLESSED BIRTHDAY. Many happy returns of the day.

Ending this entry merapu lagi meraban right now. It's 6am & I'm going to sambung tido. Toodlesss & see ya's.

p/s : pelik plak taip entry kurang dots (....) >.<


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Bangun pagi, terus online..bukak page FB, bukak Blog Dashboard, bukak E-mel... let's see what's interesting that i have been missing through out my beauty sleep... selalu benda best mesti terjadi waktu - waktu padi buta or when ever i'm sleeping...huhhh...=.='

Bukak E-mel & nampak no other tajuk E-mel besides perkataan DUIT RAYA.. hahaha.. bab- bab duit ni memang laju je kannn...

*click to enlarge*


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Hari ni mood masuk dapur datang menganas tetiba...

Rajin pulak mengheret Cik Abg ke Tunas Manja to get a few things i need for the recipe i have in mine... oh well, had already listed in case i forget...


Lemak tepu

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Just got a link to a friend's blog.. oh,well..she's a fren from High School...we were closed for sometime but i just cant recall what made us far apart... okayyy,cerita semalam pun tak sure lagi bley ingat ke tak apetah lagi cerita bertahun- tahun lepas...

Anyways, walaupun tak rapat macam dulu- dulu *i do miss our BFF times* we do still contact once in a while to ask how each other is doing... good to know that she's okayy...

Just wanna share what i found in her blog...hahaha..has to scrool all the way back to Year 2006... Sape yang xtau, i was in Fom 4 that year..tapi umor tak cukup 16 lagi yerr....

Marah sebab sayang

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Last Thursday Cik Abg drop by hostel & coaxed me to see the doktor...urghhh..seriusly, tak suka doktor-doktor kat Muadzam ni..baek yang Hospital, mahupun yang klinik...

Along the way, he kept on mumbling & babbling bout my health...topic A- z lahh dier sentuhhh....sebak jer dada kene bebel macam tu...*bayangkan*...orang tengah sakit, then sumone bagi ceramah free berbakul- bakul & u have no strength to shut the person up..dengar je lah walau tak suke kann...*sighhsss*

When to Klinik Ridan at first, tapi doktor takde...WTH?? bukak klinik tapi doktor takde..baek tak yah bukak... pegi klinik sebelah pulak,Klinik Sulaiman...daftar diri & waited to be called...masuk jumpa doktor..all she did was look at my swollen leg & tekan-tekan 2 - 3 kali...apedaaaaa... she said its just infections & i have to pantang makan...

Sold out

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Grrrr...dah tau nak balik,carik lagi ticket last minute...kan dah xbley balik raya...

Kawan-kawan Uniten sekalian balik bler?? Dapat ticket?? Yang dapat tu,kite share ticket nak..kite duduk seat dalam bus tu separuh-separuh...*bley takkkk macam tu*

So my exam schedule states that my final paper is on the 24th at 1730...tak beli ticket awal-awal sebab timetable tak finalised lagi before this..ni dah finalised, hambikkk kauuu...habes sumer ticket kene kebas...yang xley blahhh,its sold out till 8 September...ramai sangat orang Muadzam balik KL hapeeee....

Love bite

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Hilang satu penyakit,datang lagi penyakit laen...

Well,penyakit-penyakit mengundang yang datang berpakej-pakej for the past 2 weeks are getting better... fever , flu & sakit gigi dah reda..tapi once in a while,ader jugak batuk macam orang gila...macam mane nak baek kalau duk sibuk carik air sejuk everytyme berbuka... hehhhh....

Ohhh,love bite tu ape??? Sape tauuu?? Ececehhh..dandan semua nak bwat tak tauuuu...

Haaahaaa..okayyy..im not talking bout the love bite u guys/gurls are talking about okayyy...& i bet i know what gigitan cinta u people are thinking....bertaubat lahhh segera...*shock head*

The visit

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As i mentioned in yesterdays post...iyerrrr,post yang gile pendek tu...i said " Nevere to leave Home without proper attire that fits ALL ocassions" right?

Yeapp..so here's what i meant....

I had a sleepover yesterday at the 'In-Law's'...sebab Isnin cuti kannn...kebetulan,Cik Abg pun cuti..so he decided to rest a chill dekat Ibam...

Bangun pagi,Mak & Ipin left for their daily household routine..so im left with Cik Abg..hehhh,rest bukan maen lagi,...swuh bangun pun tak mauuu...then at 11am,Mak called & told us to get ready..."Bawak ayah gie kubur,Rompin"...


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Shortest entry aieee....

Eyyy...something i learn after coming HERE several times..."Never to leave home without a proper outfit that suits ALL occasion"...

Nanti-nanti akan update what i'm crapping all about...gotta go get ready first...

p/s : mentang-mentang pose,entry pun nak pendek jer..=)

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