Afrika mari !

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Entry malas !

Just wanna say Im home. Yeah, home as in home HOME.

Its study week and being home isn't something i usually do. Came back to celebrate X'mas with the family & Papa's home. Bonus okay !

Papa isn't always around. So tak salah kowt if i'm back for the week.

Practically waiting for Mummy to be back from the saloon & shoot to Aunty Sharon's house for family dinner. Sharp 12am shall begine the exchage present session. *cough* Apa agaknye would the elderly give me this year. Hehhh.

Puisi dari hati

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Lame but true. I just found out padahal hampir 1 Malaysia sudah aware bout their marriage. Hahaha. Khusyuk busy focusing pada assigment lah ! Owhk, straight to the point here. In their wedding, he gave her pretty sweet poem I'll say. Seriusly. Hayati lah sendiri

Bag hunting

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*bells ringing*

Yeap ! Its the x'mas season;pretty soon. Merry merry X'mas to those who are celebrating. Done ur present shopping? What u all got for ur loved ones?? Share share. Ceciter ceciter.

As for me, X'mas is a part of something i celebrate too. No. I aint a Christian to celebrate, but it a family ocassion. Simply to exchage gift and have a family dinner. Seriusly. If not for X'mas, my simply BIG family is hard to gather and sit at the table for a proper family dinner.

Bulan kurang kasih sayang

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Its December babeh ! As we all know, sebagai student UNIVERSITY this month is the month that most of us fear of. Kenapa? U ask me WHY? Here's why :

~ Due date assgment which comes one after another.
~ Last minit Midterm due to short semester duration.
~ Extra quizzes n test to upgrade carry marks.

Lecturers dont seem to give us the love these days. Masingmasing berlumba nak habeskan syllabus A.S.A.P. than tak habeshabes nak bagi quiz. Yang lbey obvious menunjukkan kami kurang di beri kasih sayang is last minit assgmnt. kate nyer, even if they were to give it at the early week of semester, assgmnt tu tetap akn siap bler agk2 dekat the due date. Oh, kejam sungguh. As a result, i have 4 subjects this semester, n so i have 4 assgment dues starting from 12/12/2012 till 16/12/2012. Hambikkkk.


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