Kelapa & Ikan

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Ini juga one of those entry malas,which means less word & more pictures..alaaaaa,my writting is boring so i'm sure korang-korang pun lagi rela tengok gambar dari aku melalut merapu..heeee....

As i mentioned before,after Along's Wedding reception last Saturday...i had to scrap of coconut flash... Hahaha..ini bukan kes dera okayyy..tapi sebab nak sangat minum air kelapa... baru rehat tak sampai 10minutes, Cik Abang dah ajak kutip biji kelapa...and i said..." haaa,jappp..nak tukar baju japp..ader plak nak kutip kelapa pakai baju kurung...heee..."

Tak sampai pun 5minit tukat baju, there he was...eating & drinking in the kitchen..lapo kate nyer...padahal baru jer pas makan kat kenduri Along....

It's her big day

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It's almost 11.30pm & im tired..had a long day...attended Along's Wedding Reception in the afternoon..came home after the reception...chnged & started pickup up & scraping coconut in the back yard...i'll tell more of this in other entry some other tyme..

Rest for a few minutes and then headed to Rompin for a short fishing trip...another entry that im gonna owe my readers..=)

Resipi Rahsia

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I'm always late updating stuffs in here..well,here's another post which is way past due date..hahha... sumenyer gara2 belutut bluetooth device kat lappy asyik error this few days...xbley nak transfer pic = boring post...ader pic pun,post aku boring jugak..huhuh...=_=''s what i wanna share...

Last week,went to Segamat dengan Cik Abang...bukan untuk bersuka ria okayyy...tapi dier nak gie langsaikan monthly installment JLS & at the same time nak renew roadtax JEJ... in my last post i did say that he has no extra money for entertaining me kann..this is why..he has TWO jet's to maintain...* i call them jet's because he likes to bawak kreta laju *

Im not a gold digger...

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Okayyy...i dont know really know how to start but i guess i have already started with noting after all..pardon me if im rude.. forgive me if ader yang terase hati,makan dalam,makan hati..blabla..etc...

Back to my point...i try as hard as i can to not depend on my BF's money..yeahh,ader orang akan cakap...          "untung lah kau,dapat pakwe berkerjaya...bley kau tumpang senang .." Darnnnn..shallow giler kalau korang pikir macam tu..i have been living for the past 21 years soon to be & not 1 moment i live on a guy's money besides my BAPAK...

Untill the day my father gives my hand to another man,i shall fish & scoop out all the money & cash i want from my father's pocket...


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Dalam entry ni,i did mention i did a few blog & online shopping..kan..kan..kan...haaaa..lame xupdate sebab xley nak online...but then...posto...tetap posto...


Kompang dipalu...

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Ohhh..ampunnn semua...lame bebenor tak update dalam ni...lappy last minute wat hal plak bler smpai MSC ni...for an unkown reason,it says berukband xley di'connect disebabkan setting lari...hampehhhh..ntah aper yang lari...anyways,by the time korang bace ni...the story is already a week old...but i still wanna share & story mory kat semua...

Last weekend, a friend of mine or to be exact..dier housemate kepada cik abg ku dalam umah ladang a.k.a umah Merchong, dah selamat di ijab kabulkan dengan pilihan hati sendiri...huaaaa..grand gitu okayyy the wedding reception... walaupun hanya kat kawasan perkampungan, waa salute beb... orang kampung pun bley ader pelamin besar tauuuu....

Envy, Perhaps

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Pagi-pagi buta pun tak reti-reti nak tido kaaa?? Haiyaaa..salahkan cter korea yang berepisod2 tu haaa...skali tgk,msti mau addicted pnyaaaa..hahaha...

Dah lame tak merapu dalam ni..hurmmm..xder idea pun..nnti dah sampai utan terchta baru idea melimpah ruah KOWTTT..haha...alasan semata okayyy...warga UNITENARIAN yang laen balik blerrr?? I'll be back soon...can't wait..ohh,i miss that place...>.<

U heart Me, I heart U back

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Lirik :

Kenapa hatiku cenat cenut tiap da kamu
Selalu peluhku menetes tiap dekat kamu
Kenapa salah tingkah tiap kau tatap aku
Selalu diriku malu tiap kau puji aku

Kenapa lidahku kelu tiap kau panggil aku
Selalu merindu romaku tyap kau sentuh aku
kenapa otakku beku tyap memikirkanmu
Selalu tubuhku lunglai tyap kau bisikan cinta

you Know me so well
Girl I need U
Girl I love U
Girl I heart U
I Know you so well
Girl I need U
Girl I love U
Girl I heart U

Ubat rindu paling mujarab

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1st May -> Selamat Hari Pekerja bagi mereka2 yang berkerja...=)

Cer teka Cer teka aper jadi semalam...heeee....nak tau takkk...semalam dah dapat ubat rindu...auwwww... Ubat tu xder lah mahal maner pun...walaupun xmahal,tapi cukup mustajab mujarab...guess again... takkk takkk..cik abg x turun KL pun nak ubat rindu ni...*sedeyh mngedik*

Online Shopping

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Ohnnooo...tak der idea nak membelog sekarang... therefore , just nak share my new hobby ngan korang...xder lah baru maner..dah lame dah pun menjinak ngan benda alah ni...huhuh...nak wat cmner...diri ni tak berkerjaya lagi,xder duet dlm poket memanjang..arapkan duet mak bapak masuk bulan2 jer skrang...nak shopping,kene tunggu duet kepul2 baru ley kuar shopping...easiest way to shop is BLOGSHOPPING or ONLINE SHOPPING...


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