Kelapa & Ikan

Ini juga one of those entry malas,which means less word & more pictures..alaaaaa,my writting is boring so i'm sure korang-korang pun lagi rela tengok gambar dari aku melalut merapu..heeee....

As i mentioned before,after Along's Wedding reception last Saturday...i had to scrap of coconut flash... Hahaha..ini bukan kes dera okayyy..tapi sebab nak sangat minum air kelapa... baru rehat tak sampai 10minutes, Cik Abang dah ajak kutip biji kelapa...and i said..." haaa,jappp..nak tukar baju japp..ader plak nak kutip kelapa pakai baju kurung...heee..."

Tak sampai pun 5minit tukat baju, there he was...eating & drinking in the kitchen..lapo kate nyer...padahal baru jer pas makan kat kenduri Along....

After sesi mengisi perut, mula lah kami mengait kelapa...2 jug okayy was suppose to be 3,tapi sebab incident perlanggaran biji kelapa ngan jug yang penuh ngan air kelapa jadilah ia 2 jug sahaja...huhuhu... the reminder kind of landed on me...advance skit kann...orang minum air kelapa, tapi aku mandi air kelapa....

Okayy..ader 2 jer gambar for sesi kelapa..after on,i was busy scrapping the flash...mcm maner nak amik gambar sambil bwat keje kannn..heeee... 7 biji kelapa & 2 jugs full.... sodappp eyhhhh..freshhh from the backyard + Cik Abang's love...hahahha... mode : jiwang sebentar..=)

Siap men'scrapping kelapa...aku gie mandi,sebab badan dah melekit dengan air kelapa...sempat cuci baju + traks lagi tuuu...baru kuar bilik air, Cik Abang ajak gie ngilat (a method of fishing where they use fake bait with the help of sun) less than 10minutes, we were already on the road heading to Rompin for the mini fishing trip...fuwhhhh...

The weather wasn't that good,it kept raining everytyme we find a new port to fish...we when for 3 different spot, not much of luck that day...dapat sekor je ikan..tu pun at the last spot we ported... 

Yeayyy..finally,that's the fish of the day..huhuh....phewwwww..long Saturday isn't it...okayyy lahhh....that's all for now...penat dah menaip ni...nak gie makan plakkk..lapoo dah ni haa perut den..=)

p/s : Ayah dah berhajat untuk nikah gantungkan aku ngan Cik Abang...gulppppp...telan air liur lelaju...huhu... Maaf Ayah,bukan xmau..tapi xbuleyyy....sabar yerr..setaun setengah jer lagi...

3 viewers view:

yanadzone said...

whatttt? nikah gantung?? wuaaa bole ada baby U,hehehe

k.sara said...

hahah..i wish i could,but i can't...still gotta wait a year at mummy tak kasi kawen slagi tak abes blaja...

yanadzone said...

daddy dah bagi,wali dah on tu,hehehe


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