Bless you

I wrote an entry for YOU. But i decided not to post it. Motive taip pun, I'm not sure. YOU just happen to cross my mind at the moment.

Oh, well. I hope YOUR doing fine out there. It's been a year since THE date. I'm sorry. Truly I am. I didn't meant for IT to end that way though. YOU left me not choice after all aite. Who to blame then?

Making this entry short. I know u ain't reading this after all, so there's no need to write entry panjang melebar lagi bosan. Betol? *angguk saje*

Dear you,
I hope your doing fine & okay out there. It's been some time since we said HI. Do know that I am, YES I am, always praying for your success no matter what had happen. We could have been good friends instead, but there's just no way of that happening aite. Anyways, even without me being there, u have & will always be great in your own ways. Cutting this short. Just wanna wish you a HAPPY BLESSED BIRTHDAY. Many happy returns of the day.

Ending this entry merapu lagi meraban right now. It's 6am & I'm going to sambung tido. Toodlesss & see ya's.

p/s : pelik plak taip entry kurang dots (....) >.<

6 viewers view:

yanadzone said...

bezday boyfriend lame ke?

k.sara said...


runnitaf said...

huhu..baru je nak tanya..:) huhuhu..u're so nice la akak..

k.sara said...

hahah...nice ke?? macam tak je..huhu.. i was mean...

runnitaf said...

was mean? had to kan? huhuhu..for a better one now..:)

k.sara said...

my ways was wrong..serabut jugak time tu..tapi,glad that it ended....>.<


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