The visit

As i mentioned in yesterdays post...iyerrrr,post yang gile pendek tu...i said " Nevere to leave Home without proper attire that fits ALL ocassions" right? here's what i meant....

I had a sleepover yesterday at the 'In-Law's'...sebab Isnin cuti kannn...kebetulan,Cik Abg pun he decided to rest a chill dekat Ibam...

Bangun pagi,Mak & Ipin left for their daily household im left with Cik Abg..hehhh,rest bukan maen lagi,...swuh bangun pun tak mauuu...then at 11am,Mak called & told us to get ready..."Bawak ayah gie kubur,Rompin"...

Errrkk..Cik Abg passed the msg to me..huhhh..i didn't mind much of travelling..ape ader hall kannn...puasa ke hape...hari biasa pun bukan makan sgt i got up my butt from the sofa to get ready..tengah nak siap,Cik Abg bley tanye..."Ma,ader baju kurung x?"..'Haaaa,mestilahh ader...heee"

Seeee...u know how early preparation can help..nasib baeklahh aku siap packing baju kurung & tudung for this sleepover...well,after coming here many many many times...i have got to get an early preparation..a set of proper clothing wouldn't harm aiteee...


We got ready & off to Rompin...kesian Cik Abg..first day of puasa he has to drive all the way to Rompin...its no big deal if he has to drive all the way to Kelantan pun if its NOT PUASA...dier addicted to cigarette,whenever in long drive he has/ WAJIB take a smoke..kalau tak...mengantuk lahhh...pening lahhh...alsan ngader2 jerrr...

dengan ini,aku pun mencabar Cik Abg..if he gets away with his cigarette addict for the day,ill get him a gift...hohohoh...through out the way,he did show his temper bagai...sikitsikit nak gamuk...hohhhh..scary pun ader lahhhh... Orang nak berenti merokok ni memang payah yerrr...

Journey took almost 2 hours..kalau selalu sejam pun dah smpi....takpe...dugaan first day the time dah masuk Zohor so Ayah ajk Zohor dulu dekat masjid...i kept asking Cik Abg if its gonna be any longer to reach the place..finally,he said...tu,belakang masjid ni jer.......i gave a BIG OHHHHHHHH...

*he said..'berseri muka pas amik wudhukk'*

Waited for Ayah then off to kubur...

Ayah : Kite gie jumpe adik ye..
Me : Ni kubur adik ayah ke?
Him : tak lahhh..
me : *erkkk* dah tu,adik sape?
Him : Adik pa lahh..
Me : Bler mase pa ader adik? tak bagi tau pun..
Him : Ader,ma tak ingat ler tu..

*Re-cap memory*

Me : Tipu tak pernah bagitau,..seriuslahhh,,saper ni..
Him : Tak caye?nanti tengok name kat batu nisan..

*Re-cap memory*

As soon as we reached,i read the name on the 'nisan'...

Siti Khadijah binti Karim
kembali ke rahmatullah pada

Demmm...his is his adik..a sister to be excact...percubaan untuk recap memory kept repeating...*grrrr*okayyy,maybe he did mentioned while we were still in a non-serius relationship getting to know session...

Ayah & Cik Abg clean the area around the grave..thalil a moment & gave some prayers..i was blanked & not knowing wha to do...i just sat at the corner looking at the grave...sayu nyer hati ni...Cik abg sempat cakap.. kalau x,pa dah ader adik pompuan...he sounded sad to...he said,he was just 11 years old & didnt know anything... 

Hurmmmm....sebakkk lahhh plakk dengar suara Cik abg...he must have been would have been nice to have a sister...

After sttled with the things at the grave,Ayah nak singgah Masjid pekan..

Another hour of journey..Cik Abg his handling his addiction fine so far..eventhough ader merungut skali skala ngantuk & pening...i couldn't be bothered cost if i were to entrertaint,ill end up pitying him & allow him to smoke..which is not right...


To much detail bores right,,,so ill skip to the part where we reached home...cepat-cepat cabut tudung & masuk dapur..haaaa...

Pagipagi Mak dah pesan,masak nasik untuk berbuka,its my duty to masak nasik..or else,xder nasik ler untu berbuka nanti...


Settle with the masak nasik proses,i rested in front of the TV...sambil tunggu wak tu berbuka...





Alhamdullilahhh...kenyangg sudah berbuka with the 'in-laws'...the others got ready for Terawih,while i was already a sotong resting in the room....hehhh....

Hari pertama pun dah skip terawih yerrr..iayooo...


So i guess to jer kowt for pun dah tulis extra details...ohh,,penattt...hehhe....

Selamat Berpuasa semua....=)

p/s : mula-mule memang susah,but i know u'll get use to it...

4 viewers view:

runnitaf said...

hihi..waaa..selamat2..sleepover umah mertua..phewitt~ =D

k sara pnggl his father, ayah ek? tak lame le tuuuuu~

sori to hear abt the loss..may her soul be blessed by Allah s.w.t. :)

P/S: go kak sara, go..u can do it!!!

k.sara said...

hahah...his dad called himself ayah,so akk ikowtkan sajer...hehhe...

huhuh...she passed aways in less than a day born...keguguran...

runnitaf said...

ouh, I wonder he oso neva knew his sister..parents dia tak dpt anak perempuan, dapat jugak menantu perempuan..hihi..^^

k.sara said...

heheh..ank perempuan ader..tapi dah kawen & duduk jauuuuhhhh....


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