Living & breathing

Here I am again. Its the end of week 4 already. Approximately another 10 weeks left till my finals. Owhh, cepat nyer waktu berlalu. Tapi lagi cepat lagi bagus. Boleh grad, keje, kumpul duet & palu kompang *gatai*.

Ahahha. So how YOUR week when? Mine was biasa2 cukup rasa jer. Biasalah manusia. There's up & down of our day. But I believe I managed my week well.

Tutorial mostly sudah beres.Still cawling to understand & memorising FSA formulas. Parahh. Dulu taknak hafal ratio ape benda bagai, sekarang baru tau nyesal nak merangkak2 hafal segala benda. But its never to late. Better late than never.

Laundry done, tapi harus segera lipat baju dalam bakul tu sebab by the end of today, another trip of dried clothes will be added to the laundry basket kalau tak settlekan last week punya dried clothes. *sighsss* Kan best kalau petik jari jer all the clothes will be fold by them self. Huuuu.

Makan? Ohh, saya sudah kenyang. Aku memang laju jer babbab makan ni. Kuat mentakdarah. Hehhh. Was supposed to make spaghetti today, tapi I had macaroni in the kitchen stock, so I should better finish them off dulu kann. So i made macaroni with bolognesse sauce. Tadaaaaaa...

Ayyyyeeee, I got my name on my house door. Yeahhh. Finally. Been living in the same house for 2 semester, baru this week dapat the house with my name. Lepas ni, sape nak datang menziarah tak perlu lagi waswas sebab its CLEAN & CLEAR stated my name with my housemates on them.

Last but not least, it was Cik Abg's bday on the 13th of Oct. He's 27 now. Waaah, tua sudah dia. HAHAH. Walaupun tua pada umor, orang semua cakap i look like I'm his ELDER sister. Oh no BABY. Mane boleh gitu. Grrrr...

Takde nak celebrate sangat pun cos plan untuk mencuci mata ke Kuantan terpaksa dibatalkan for some reason. Sedeyhhh. Mak Cik Abg made me coax him to balik Ibam to have family dinner. She insisted of making him Nasik Ayam for his b'day. As for me. Hurmm. Nothing much I could do. Bajet takde Seriusly, tak best tol dapat awek macam aku. BOOO.

Manage to get him a replica G-Shock GA100-1A4. Nak beli yang ORI, tak mampu bhaiii. Mau tak makan sebulan aku. Hehehe. Even got him a box of mini apam polkadot. I was just depending on the online shopping to get all this. Alhamdullilah the quality are just as good as what i see in the pictures. Relieve jugak Cik Abg was happy with his gift.
Weather is good, so is my mood. I might be cleaning my room today. Macam nak sapu, mop & dust my book shelf. My hair is still dropping@putus even when its short. Hurmmm. Patut ke aku botak je paler ni & let new hair to grow. Huhuhu.

Klahhh, got to go. Gotta find something productive to do.
See ya's.

p/s : Next 2 weeks ade long holiday, tapi malas nak balik sebab our BIG day is in between those holiday.

3 viewers view:

runnitaf said...

huhuhu..akhirnya...dapat jugak kak sara belikan hadiah utk si dia..:)
nyce lah the watch! siyesly..stylo~


k.sara said...

haha...dah mmg blank giler nak bg aper...maen taram jer..harapan mngunung that he likes it..n yess,he did...>.<

runnitaf said...

hohoho~ smart la the watch..tak mungkin he dun like it lah..lbih2 ag gf tersyg bg...huhu..


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