

Just a quick one ayy.
This was suppose to be posted a month ago,but i was 'busy' with my internship.
I just felt that i should post this up no matter what. Eh,suka hati la kan. =D

7th November 2013.
Officially 23 years old. Huhh,in 2 months i would be a part of 24. Sangat tak aci. =(

So,just wanna thank to all that wished me.
Doesn't matter if it thru FB,Instagram,Twitter,SMS,Whatsapp,Kakao or even phone calls.
Thank u all!

I got a very lovely cake too.
Haaa,lovely sampai adik-adik berebut nak cepat ngapp. They sang an extreme laju birthday song n told me " Faster la kak. Hungry d! " Aiyaaa,bertuah punya adik.

Thank u,yeahh YOU who made me my cake. Hahaha.
Ya know who u are. =D

Already 23. Masuk 24 boleh dah nak masuk phase lain dalam hidup. Eh?
Gatal. =D

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