Pekan, Pahang

Again, another entry untuk langsaikan utang yang dijanjikan dalam entry berikut..huhu... Yeappp...after a long Saturday,i did have another long Sunday too...

Mak ajak ke Pekan, Pahang on Sunday for some "hal"... i didnt bother to ask since she just said its not gonna be a wedding..perghh..selamat...enough of wedding for a while..been having wedding food for the past 1 month & i'm way far from my diet schedule...duhh,macam mana nak resist makan nasik kalau memang wedding orang Melayu memang hidang nasik..takkan special order,aku nak mintak Bihun Goreng plak kan... Dermmmnnn..>.< 

Left Ibam at about 8.20am with Along, Mak & Ipin..singgah kedai LGM to pickup Ayah & drop Ipin...isi minyak & off we go to hour & a half journey,i almost fell asleep since everyone was so quiet in the car...ahahha...

Masuk Simpang Pekan,and there it excident...a black car of an unknown model with a hilux...sila tahu,hilux tu terbalik..yeapp,it was upside down..the black unknown car kemek kowttt bahagian depan dier...tak nampak any bodies dead or bleeding...dah selamat sampai hospital kowt..huhu...

Okayyy..blabla..enough with the details...i dont know what else to write here beside those incidents...huhu... when to Bandar Pekan for some things..Mak wanted to photostat something & took IC picture...hurmmm..was still blurrblurr when she said she wanted to photostat..

Me & along just sat in the car & refused to go any where sebab takowt Mak would be done & have to wait for us...duk jer lah dendiam dalam kete tu...nak dekat 30minit jugak tnggu...headed back to Mak Sik's house & it was like a reunion of Mak's family..they were all talking in Mak's language(cambodian's)...Me & along just sat at a coner not understanding a single word they word saying...

Before we left, Mak Sik gave Mak 5 ekor ikan Patin...haaaa,hamik kauuuu...ikan besar gedabak...& yes,it was all alive..struggling in a small plastic bag placed in the bonet...huhuh...ohh,lupe nak bagitau...Mak Sik owns manymany(tak sempat nak kira) cages of ikan patin in Pahang river which is betulbetul depan rumah dier...

I would like to spend more time around those cages & sitting at the side of Pahang river,but it was too hot...i would rather sweat under Mak Sik's house than getting sunburn by the river...huhu...

Done babbling..leave a litlle pictures sempat amik mase trip to Pekan..not much cos the people there keep staring at me when i held out my camera...

p/s : i would much prefer u giving out cash than doing a bater system... he may be an innocent Santa Clause at tymes, but not letting him be nice again...

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