Maysaa Maxi Wrap Dress

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As always,xder keje..nak carik keje was going thru a fren of mine punye photo album..last week kowt this Maysaa London came to malaysia....and this bunch of gurlfrenz pegi exhibition tu...ok,everyone who went is superbly comel...n fren is cute n gorgeous as always...xpercye?japjap..wa carik dier punya gambar ok...

this is my lovely fren...
name dier yana n sorry..
she's taken...=)


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Fuwhh...fuwhhh...3jam ngadap lappy..akhirnyer..siap jugak..haaaa..s u can see..i updated my bloggie blogblog...since bwat atau tercipta nyer blog ni..i have not updated anythng..and since aku xder keje nak bwat..i decided to dig up google n yahoo to help me out..but..oh boy..!!aku buta IT it didn't help me much..wanted to make my layout look lyke this...

sadly,aku tak reti..haiyshh..comel lar layout tu..tapi apakan daya..i ony manage to get the header..hehehe...

Takde keje..carik keje..

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dying of boredom at home made me to find stuff to do..and the latest medcne i found to cure my boredom n kill tyme is to download movie n cerita cerita yang i have missed from the theater..ohh,i feel latest collections of movie :

Bitch Whore Slut

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a lil sumting i got for my baby boo...
i hope he likes it...

well, i have noting much to say for not in the right mood though to blog..
im..i dont know...hurmppp..angry,sad,confused,n blablabla...but most of all...i juz wanna say...

Sales & koleksi

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OWWWWHHHHk,its Year End Sale(YES),pada merekamereka yang suka dan kaki shopping,memang akan tunggu waktuwaktu macam ni untuk melaburkan matawang ringgir malaysia kat shopping2 komplex mall and aper saja kedai yang ada kat malaysia ni...and as for me...ermmm..maner nak start???k3..ill stat wif the updates of my TWO months anniversarry....


Bulan dua

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dua bulan sudah hubungan ini..
a lot we had to go thru...
banyak cabaran & dugaan..


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everything seems fine walaupun dapat rasa sikit2 dingin..
ermm..mungkin cuaca yang 24jam mendung and kejap2 hujan..



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Future home??maybe..could be..why not..


it's isnt so hard to adapt and getting use to a second life...untuk pappy,ill have to learn to live his lifestyle too...he'll have to adapt to my life style too someday..ill help him with that..slow meloww..take it easy...noting to rush...

Ayah n Mak seems nice...xder lar garang sangat(maybe not yet)...but so far,for now..duadua pun ok sahaja...ayah jarang kat rumah...*baru jumpe sekali kat rumah*
Mak is always at home n Ipin's her PA...first day kat cni..ayah dah mintak layan tetamu...bwat air teh...(tak kekok/xtau bwat tapi sebab thats juz da few minutes i've entered and belum kenal lagi brg2 dapo Mak letak mner..dah la Mak pun xder kat umah at dat tyme for me to ask maner barangbarang nak bwat air) time kaseh Ipin sebab tolong...heee...malam tu,Mak balik bawak pucuk paku...haaaa..die bagi,swuh masak,...MAMPUS was all i could think...hahhaa..kat umah slalu pucuk paku masak lemak jer..xprnh goreng tumis..ermmm..amik,n bwat2 tau je larr..masuk dapo,Pappy dah gelak2 kat meja makan..bukan nak tolong..huhuh..grrrrr..rasa macam nak cekikcekik jer tyme tu..

SABAR Saraaaaa...

Muadzam - Tenggaroh - Kota Tinggi - JB - Muadzam

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Hye...saya Sara n itu Krol...
bila kami bergabung..
kami menjadi KhaiSara...
hahha..owhk..merepek sajer...

Sorry sayang'ness..xder updates lagi a few days...was bz being a travel hunter bak kate pappy...yeaapp...a real traveling experince..from Muadzam sampai lar ke JB...kenangan ok semua ini...saya sayang pappy saya sangatsangat (outta topic sebentar)...ehehehe....

terima kasih sayang...

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maaf tiada updates this few'bz'an sebentar...
anyways,im all safe and sound kat MuadzamTercinta ni..



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