
Fuwhh...fuwhhh...3jam ngadap lappy..akhirnyer..siap jugak..haaaa..s u can see..i updated my bloggie blogblog...since bwat atau tercipta nyer blog ni..i have not updated anythng..and since aku xder keje nak bwat..i decided to dig up google n yahoo to help me out..but..oh boy..!!aku buta IT ok...so it didn't help me much..wanted to make my layout look lyke this...

sadly,aku tak reti..haiyshh..comel lar layout tu..tapi apakan daya..i ony manage to get the header..hehehe...

susah jadi orang buta IT ni..aiyooo..dah tau xreti,nak jugak bwat..bwat susah jer kan...hahaha...geledah punya selongkar every part of the blog...i finally manage to get a simple blog i created myself..hohoh..xder lar cun mner..tapi im satisfied...=)

so the outcome to my buta'ness in IT...this is the result..

*pls click to enlarge..

yeahyeahh..okokok..i know...x cntik kan..huhuh..xperxper..this is my blog,so aper aku kesah kalau korangkorang sekalian rasa tak cun..eheeee...we'll see smpi biler this layout will be this way..=)

was going thru tumblr..n i found this...kindda like those words...

rasa macam nak jerit kuat kuat...



2 viewers view:

♥ AyaHikari ♥ said...

amek jep template kat mane2 site.senang.mudah.:P

k.sara said...

hohoh..dh try dh..
tp dier kate xml error...
ader plak kate unable to save ur template...
waaaa..mmg kesedihan tul..


Storyline of Template by Ipietoon Blogger Template | Gift Idea