Future home??maybe..could be..why not..


it's isnt so hard to adapt and getting use to a second life...untuk pappy,ill have to learn to live his lifestyle too...he'll have to adapt to my life style too someday..ill help him with that..slow meloww..take it easy...noting to rush...

Ayah n Mak seems nice...xder lar garang sangat(maybe not yet)...but so far,for now..duadua pun ok sahaja...ayah jarang kat rumah...*baru jumpe sekali kat rumah*
Mak is always at home n Ipin's her PA...first day kat cni..ayah dah mintak layan tetamu...bwat air teh...(tak kekok/xtau bwat tapi sebab thats juz da few minutes i've entered and belum kenal lagi brg2 dapo Mak letak mner..dah la Mak pun xder kat umah at dat tyme for me to ask maner barangbarang nak bwat air) time kaseh Ipin sebab tolong...heee...malam tu,Mak balik bawak pucuk paku...haaaa..die bagi,swuh masak,...MAMPUS was all i could think...hahhaa..kat umah slalu pucuk paku masak lemak jer..xprnh goreng tumis..ermmm..amik,n bwat2 tau je larr..masuk dapo,Pappy dah gelak2 kat meja makan..bukan nak tolong..huhuh..grrrrr..rasa macam nak cekikcekik jer tyme tu..

SABAR Saraaaaa...

Pa kate,tumis jer macam kacang pnjng tumis ayam Ipin bwat siang tadi...Hati dah lega..takat tumis macam tu..mmg kacang jer lar nak bwat..hehhee..cepatcepat carik bawang putih..merah..and sebab famili ni suke makan pedas,kene tambah cili padi...tengah2 nk kupas bawang n all,Ipin dtg..gelak2..tnye reti ke x...huhuhu..ermmm,bwat je lar muke simpati mintak tolong(well,i dnt know how the family eats always yet,klu x..dah bwat ikowt style sendiri...=) )Done for the day,the masalah pun ngan sayur goreng tu tadi...


Experiece ni confirm tak kan lupa sampai bilabila...
ari first dah diminta bwat teh n masak...=)

Yesterday,second day being in IBAM...
future home to be...xtau nak bangun pkul bper...kat umah bangun kul12pm..kat hostel bangun kul10am..kat kampung bile balik Raya pun balik kul8/9am...lastlast,bangun kul7lbey sebab pappy nk gie keje..at that tyme Mak n Ipin dh xder..duadua gie pasar...papppy dah tnye nk duk umah or nk balik..well,i shud stay at least a while n balik when Mak is at home..so,pappy antar kat pasar borong..Mak tengah beli barang untuk jual kat kedai n alill for home..eden ngan xmndi lagi dh ikowt ke hulu ke hilir...after pasar borong,pegi pasar besar..den off to Ilmiah untuk amik bj snce afternoon mak ajk teman gie knduri kawen anak kawan Mak...after ilmiah off to keratong sebab nak carik rokok bundle..bought breakfast and ate with ayah kat kedai..by that tyme dh kul11am...

 p/s : another new life experince..nase kat kedai,Ipin ajar timbang ayam n parts of chicken..also ikan...pernah korang bwat?xprnh kan..haaa...rugi korang..ehehe...its not that bad after all living a life like this...Ipin gelak2 jer tengok aku bwat keje...first day life experince,a lil kekok..umah sndri pun xprnh bwat mcm ni..klu bgtau kat mummy,cnfirm dier xprcaye..more or less,she would say the same..at home,pegi pasar pun jarang...aper lagi nak bersih ikan n ayam..ehehhe...

balik umah,terus mandi cos i know i stink real bad..dah siap mandi,tolong mak kat dapo..siang ikan untuk guna kat rumah...done with that,bersiap untuk kenduri...after kenduri,singgah pasar sabtu..ingatkan ley tahan nafsu mmbeli biler tengok ias krim goreng..tp disebabkan cuaca yang giler lar SEJUK..ehehe..bought 2..one for me and another untuk Ipin..ingatkn dier pernah makan..hehee..ok lar tu kan..he teach me new stuff,i teach him new stuff toooo..=)

that was all the experience i get in two days..arini pun ader jugak blaja bnda baru...
perah santan..hahaha..ok,bukan xpernah perah..tapi dulu mase kecik2 tyme zaman berhingus gatal tgn nk mnyemak kat dapo umah..ader lar perah..tapi skrg..dh besar,zaman dah cnggih..mummy always get the packet santan/klapa parut..juz add hot water biler nak pakai...Mak saw me perah,dier gelak tersenyum..she showed the right way to perah santan...auwwww..malu nyerr..
Ipin kate,xper..biar dier blaja dari skrg...nnti senang...ehehee....chores i did for the day..angkat baju kat ampaian,kopek ikan bilis,perap ikan with kunyit n salt n a lil ajinomoto...also did folding and now ONLINE SAJE..hahahhaa...
mak kata..biler duadua(me & ipin) depan laptop..makan pun susah..hahaha...
k3..gtg..malam nnti sambung lagi...nak makan pulakk..:)

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