As always,xder keje..nak carik keje was going thru a fren of mine punye photo album..last week kowt this Maysaa London came to malaysia....and this bunch of gurlfrenz pegi exhibition tu...ok,everyone who went is superbly comel...n fren is cute n gorgeous as always...xpercye?japjap..wa carik dier punya gambar ok...
this is my lovely fren...
name dier yana n sorry..
she's taken...=)
see,told u she's cute..ehehe..and i adore her dress..wheewott..=) tibetibe macam menyesal pulak pegi gemukkn diri tyme cuti2 dulu kann..i use to be a 26 during skul,n now??im a never work on me..saddd...sobsob..=( oh,moving on...the Maysaa thingy..they have this fashion designer..if im not mistaken larr kan..bukan nyer aku ni pro sangat pasal dunia fesyen designer tu..HanaTajima...cute kan name cute as the person...did a lil googling,n tiru tampal lar kan gmbar owner badan tu kat cni..heee...
memang betul betul comel kan..i know..she's awesomely i'm taking a guess here that she designed the kimono maxi dress..erkkk..tak tau aper tu?hampehh larrr...heee...pdhal,aku pun baru jer tau pasal baju/kain tu...nah nah..this is how it looks like...
simple kan..juz a piece of cloth...but..yeapp..there's always buts in the end of a sentences...this piece of cloth comes in a few ways of wearing it...n n n..HanaTajima ni sendiri yang jadi model for showing the ways...tengok je lar sendiri kat video youtube that i included in this post..ehhhh...
haaaa..amacam..stunning kann...i wish i had 1 tooo...TAPI..another but here..hahhaa..i have got to slim down n loose a few inch on my waist...klu x,ill be like a gurl in bathrobe walking around...hehehe...
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