Goodbye 2010 & A big HELLO 2011

OHohOH...2010 sudah berakhir,leaving all those memories behide...yeap,let bygones be bygones..semua manusia pun buat salah kan..=)

Yang sudah tu,sudah lar..tahun baru,bab hidup baru n azam baru*erkk..xder lar baru maner pun...wishing everyone a blessed new year ahead...semoga all ur future determinations,hopes and wishlist akan tercapai before 2012 comes...

2011...i like the number after 20..haha..hopefully its gonna be a gud year for me..adding 1 to 2010 makes me;myself to add a year to my age jugak...hohoho...wake up gurl..ur no longer 2 years old OK..sudah nak masuk 21 tahun...ehehe...makin tua pulak diri ini..aiyoyoy...dah besar ank papa ni kann..huhuh..makin besar,makin susah jaga ok..heee....

Untuk pappy tersayang..may all ur wishes come thru...n our relationship last till the very end..InsyaAllah...sayang pa sgt2 tau...i dont ask much from u..cos all i need is ur trust n love...YOUR the best thing that's ever been mine...

For beloved fenz and family,have a happy life..=)

Takde benda lagi kowt nak tulis bye-bye 2010..HELLO 2011...=)

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