Back to Back Part 2

Ohh,where did i stop???

Yeahh...after bath,siap2 & terus kluar untuk fetch Aiman from his fren's bday party...tapi macam awal sangat lah habes bout i decided to have a hair trim....xder potong pendek pun,juz a lil layer to nipiskan rambut yang tebal macam hutan amazon ni...

Atleast my head felt a little lighter now...fetch Aiman & off to Lala Chong Seafood,Subang... all this while,i would sit at the back row & fall asleep in the car...seriusly,10 kali pegi,jalan pun tak sure..ape kessss...& bawak Cik Abg at the wrong direction..huhu...round2 ara damansara almost 4 rounds & still at ended up salah jalan...

Hahaha..Cik Abg sikit lagi nak mula membebel..hehe...nasib baek lahhh finally sampai jugak tanpa perlu kol mummy for right direction..hehehe...baru parking,& the rest of the family reach..phewwww..selamat sempat sampai awal...

Errr..sorry no pic...but all i have to say..Cik Abg dah takowt tengok cara aku makan...nasik seciput tapi lauk bukan maen membukit lagi...hhehhee...half way through,Cik abg dah give up eating cos food kept on coming into his semua gara-gara duduk sebelah my Papa...

After dinner we had a trip to I-City..mummy wanted to bring the boys there since they have not been there...was there for almost 2 hours..tapi takk besttt okayyy..ader raptai / sound check for MTVworld all we could do was tengok lightings pokok yang kecik2 tepi jalan..& car park was freaking RM10...

Weyhh..parking kat KLCC pun xder sampai rm10 tauuuu...dah ler kene park jauh,& jalan pun berbatu kasar...kalau dapat kreta tayar nipis..mau meletop tayar tengah-tengah jalan...seriusly NOT WORTH IT... xmau dah datang I-City lagi...

 *He bought me a white heart light*

After I-City, we had mamak session at Ehsan...heheh...biasalahhh,duduk2 borak2..til this 1 topic came up...

Mummy : Krol,nak smoke..smoke lahh..cni open..kat umah jer xbley okayy...
Krol :*senyum sengih-sengih*
Me : Hhaha..he already took his dose before reaching...
Grandpa : Eyyy,u smoke? U gotta stop time u come,u cannot smoke..or else I shoot u...

The whole table just laughed

Me : Eyhh,ader shisha,nak ke??
Krol : Bukan dah haram ke benda tu?
Papa : Kenapa nak haramkan?tunjuk fatwah/nas/hadis maner yang buktikan?klu haram,kreta pun perlu haram..sebab kreta pun kuarkan gas yang merbahaya & much worst then smoking...
Krol : haha...betolbetol
Me : owhhh,suke ader orang backup yerrrr...


Done drinking & went back for the night.....

p/s : perlu diet yang extreme..i look old & 5 times bigger then him...*sighss* bulan puasa,im counting on u...

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