Get well soon...

Started my day juz lyke all the other days i have been going thru...tapi i dont know why i juz feel sumting is not ryte...i bet korang pun kadang2 ader rase macam sumting yang tak kene...ader yang tak kene,tp xtau aper yang tak kene...get what i mean?

Bukak mata,and replied pappy's morning msg...yeapp,he msg's me every morning before masuk ladang for work..its a habbit...slagi dier tak msg,slagi tu ill b in dreamland.. ehehe...its nice to get gud morning wishes from ur loved once kannn...tapi...ermmm..lambat plak delivered...i cnsidered that he's all ready sumwhere in the plantation area smpi xder line*ladang mmg slalu mcm tu,ssh gler nk dpt line...*

On tv...bukak kipas laju2...baring kat sofa...hmmm..buntut xlekat macam slalu...entah aper yg risau sgt..kejap2 tgk luar...macam tunggu putera raja plak kann...msg pappy lagi..harapan supaya msg pending td akn delivered after a new msg comes rply nor delivered msg...hati tak was juz a feeling,i hope...biarkan jer...smbung tgk tv...ttbe tergerak nk gie dapo...tapi nak bwat aper gie dapo?dh mcm org gila pun hulu ke hilir sowang2 dlm umh...sumting is not ryte n i still dont know what...

Wktu dah almost 4pm n pappy xrply any of my msg's...frustrated..keciwa...xprnh2 plak pappy tak bls msg tyme keje...huhu...waited a while..antr msg lagi..tapi same jugak..but this tyme its no rply...T_T

Dah lelame baru decide to call..since wktu keje pun dh abes,i guess i wont b bothering,tak berjawab pulak..msg again undelivered...called again n fon off...DAMNN..gie dating aper laki aku ni...huaaaa...chill kejap..get my head straight...

*lagu kekanda bunyik*..specific rigtone untuk pappy's msg...finally..i msg from him after the whole day waiting...he's not feeling well...senak perut..i've seen him having those pain..its scary..n i cant stand looking at him hndling the elast tyme i saw,rase mcm nk nnges jer...scary ok tgk dier mngerang sakit n im helpless...

Im here in KL..n he's there in Pahang..there is juz no possibility im gonna reach there in a blink...sorry pappy,ma xder nk jage pa...i feel lyke im a teribble n hopeless GF eva...DAMNN...i could juz text him once awhile...n i know its not enuf..till this point,how much i wish i was there to hold him when his in pain...-_-'

*pls get well soon..nnti ma balik sane jage pa k..

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