Trime kaseh daun kladi

Gonna make this post as short as i can but not forgetting a little sweetness it it..ehehe...first of all,nk cakap...


Dekat abg Faz from sebab tolong buat kan mini banner for my blog yang tak seberapa ni...n korang bley tgk at the far left in my page ader mini banner laen yang Abg Faz bwat jugak...u all may click on those banners to get to their blogs(ahli 

Fazminn ni kalau ader yang xtau,is a website or place korang bley sharing caring..yeappp...sharing caring is good kan...u can share ur opinions,ur feelings,ask question,kenekan(prank) mmber yang ader dlm online website ni....korang pun boleh guna website ni untuk download movies...its worth to try kalau ader yang teringin nak tau keadaan website tu kan...bukan kene bayar pun..ehehhe....

Secondly,nak ucap a big THANX dekat my adik junior,Ikhmal...sungguh terharu boley takkk..eishhh..untung tull ader adik mcm ni...nak di bwatkan cter,kat UNITEN, student marketing ader bwat service..service ni macam order these gift(comes it pakej tertntu)..range btween rm10 - rm30 kowt...n my sweet adik,made a surprice order for me..hamboii..terharu takkk...dier ader 2 kakak which is me n NAD...both of us got the order...n since i am currently not available anywhere in UNITEN until i-dont-when..Nad tolong la simpankan my surprce gift ek...

*amacam..sweet tak ader adik yang kesah psl korang...
jgn jeles ok...

K la..dh ckup pnjng dh entry ni..huhu..toddless..

p/s : saya nak balik MUADZAM laaaa..aishhh... =.='

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