Sedar tak sedar,its been 5 days since we both(me & cik abg) left Muadzam for KL...we sure did had a great time together...5hari jugak lah aku hutang updates dalam ni kan kan here goes the entry...
Day 1 (Wednesday)
Im pretty sure i did an entry for Wednesday..but wat the heck...ill summaries all the updates in a lump sum..=) Reach KL about 9 sumting,pegi Giant Kinarar sebab Cik Abg last minit nak beli kasut..he's present shoe dah macam rotten & kulit mengelupas bagai...nak carik yang murah2 jer sebab bukan nak pakai slalu pun..tapi tak he decided to buy the shoe gum & stick the shoes in shape...head home,washup & brought Adik kecik kuar supper...we had not makan since afternoon so kami agak kebulur...after makan,bali rumah & trus tido...
Day 2 (Thursday)
Woke up early..left home after Papa went to work & the boys left for school...konon plan nak kuar umah kul7am sebab nak beat the jam..last2 kul8 baru gerak sebab Mummy bought Cik Abg breakfast...bertolak rumah & terus head to Subang Sime Darby...that was where i tought the interview was suppose to be..skali...salah daaaaa...nak tak nak..kene pakai search dengan GPS...sejam 2 gak ler sesat betol jadi ank KL tapi jalan KL pun tak pass..aishhh...kul11 baru sampai the right Sime Darby ofis... Cik Abg could had the job but he had no English skill & that made him the second option...the Sime Darby officers had already loved his working experience & pretasi kerja for the pst 8 years..tapi Sime Darby priorities to English in work...itulah pentingnya English Education...however,they said to wait within 20 days..kalau dapat kerja tu,Alhamdullilah sesangat... balik rumah & fecth aiman from school...bersiap2 & brought both the boys out...naek LRT tuuuuu..Cik Abg tak pernah naek Lrt...heeee..jejalan Times Square..did winddow shopping & Aiman cabar Cik Abg untuk a round of bowling...we even went for movies..balik rumah almosy the time we reach home..masing2 dah macam sayu..penat n lemah...mandi2 n terus tido...
Day 3 (Friday)
Cik Abg janji dengan aiman for another round of bowling since memasing dah addicted nak membaling bola dalam we left to IOI early morning sebab Cik Abg have to leave back before 5pm...he;s driving alone so macam tak bes dier drive memalam sgt..nnti ngantuk lah,penat lah...macam2 alasan kuar...both the boys played 2 rounds each & terus balik that time it was already 2 awhile & aiman suddently came up with & an idea...he went to mummy & asked if Cik Abg could stay another day..Mummy said YES & he was invited for a family dinner at Aunt's Sharon place on saturday... Cik Abg senyum sampai ke tlinga biler dapat permission to stay longer... tangan dah lama tak memancing,Cik Abg ngajak Aiman untuk mancing...but first,he wanted to go get a new rod for himself...Papa borrowed him his ros since Cik abg takder rod sndiri lagi..i borught them to Taman Jaya for fishing...not much of luck,tak dapat pun sekor...yang peliknye..the family besides us got almost 30 tilapia in less than 20minutes...Mandremm ke hapeee mata kail tuuu....
Day 4 (Saturday)
Early morning left home to Jalan Pudu untuk beli rod baru...adik Cik Abg had a fre who bought the fishing set at a cheap price there...we tried our luck searching & going into KL on a Saturday by car...yeappp...KL tu dah ler bandar besar..selalu jam plak tuuu..dengan tour guide yang fail jalan KL lagi..hahha..really not agood combination...however,in less tah 30minutes,i manage to get us in the right direction & even found the fishing shop...Aiman even got himself a new rod...untunglahh dapat ABANG yang rajin melayannn...4hari melekat..dah macam adik bradik dah dieorg ni...Cik Abg got the rod he wanted...then we went to Times Square again..Cik Abg nak beli baju..kate nyer xder proper shirt for the family dinner...end of the day..he bought a Flippers(Slipper) & 2 cardigans...he's been wanting to buy me flats tapi aku asyik tolak..ahaha..xder yang berkenan pun & also he already overspend for himself..kalau aku layankan nafsu shopping...makan pasir ler dier bler balik muadzam nanti...mummy told us to be home by 6pm...& we did...sempat golek2 rehat before getting ready...left for the dinner at 7pm...makan2 minum2..maen2...left Aunty's place at 9pm cos the boys nak test power rod memasing....ahahha...tetttttttttt...blablabla....too much of elobration & in the end...we could catch 1 tilapia...we could have had more tapi banyak yang for aiman,he didn't get much of a fish but he worked part time cleaning up the pond..asal tarik jer,dapat daun kering...pity him...>.<
Day 5 (Sunday)
Aiman nak jugak maen bowling before we head back to Cik Abg pun bawaklah Aiman gie maen dekat IOI...nak pegi jauh2,nanti tak sempat pulak nak balik...sadly,there was Hicom Family Day bowling tournement...we had no choice tapi meninggalkan bowling alley dengan kecewa...bagi mengubat kekecewaan..Cik abg blanja Aiman culy fries A&W and a few round at the arcade...before we know was already 4pm...cepat2 balik & packing...left home for Muadzam at 6pm..had a slow & safe journey back...
here i am,updating the 5 days entry...=)
baru siap assigment CBB & jari dah penat menaip..nak baringbaring ular sawa....wehoooo...ending the entry with a few picture i snapped...c'yasssss...
Day 1 (Wednesday)
Im pretty sure i did an entry for Wednesday..but wat the heck...ill summaries all the updates in a lump sum..=) Reach KL about 9 sumting,pegi Giant Kinarar sebab Cik Abg last minit nak beli kasut..he's present shoe dah macam rotten & kulit mengelupas bagai...nak carik yang murah2 jer sebab bukan nak pakai slalu pun..tapi tak he decided to buy the shoe gum & stick the shoes in shape...head home,washup & brought Adik kecik kuar supper...we had not makan since afternoon so kami agak kebulur...after makan,bali rumah & trus tido...
Day 2 (Thursday)
Woke up early..left home after Papa went to work & the boys left for school...konon plan nak kuar umah kul7am sebab nak beat the jam..last2 kul8 baru gerak sebab Mummy bought Cik Abg breakfast...bertolak rumah & terus head to Subang Sime Darby...that was where i tought the interview was suppose to be..skali...salah daaaaa...nak tak nak..kene pakai search dengan GPS...sejam 2 gak ler sesat betol jadi ank KL tapi jalan KL pun tak pass..aishhh...kul11 baru sampai the right Sime Darby ofis... Cik Abg could had the job but he had no English skill & that made him the second option...the Sime Darby officers had already loved his working experience & pretasi kerja for the pst 8 years..tapi Sime Darby priorities to English in work...itulah pentingnya English Education...however,they said to wait within 20 days..kalau dapat kerja tu,Alhamdullilah sesangat... balik rumah & fecth aiman from school...bersiap2 & brought both the boys out...naek LRT tuuuuu..Cik Abg tak pernah naek Lrt...heeee..jejalan Times Square..did winddow shopping & Aiman cabar Cik Abg untuk a round of bowling...we even went for movies..balik rumah almosy the time we reach home..masing2 dah macam sayu..penat n lemah...mandi2 n terus tido...
Day 3 (Friday)
Cik Abg janji dengan aiman for another round of bowling since memasing dah addicted nak membaling bola dalam we left to IOI early morning sebab Cik Abg have to leave back before 5pm...he;s driving alone so macam tak bes dier drive memalam sgt..nnti ngantuk lah,penat lah...macam2 alasan kuar...both the boys played 2 rounds each & terus balik that time it was already 2 awhile & aiman suddently came up with & an idea...he went to mummy & asked if Cik Abg could stay another day..Mummy said YES & he was invited for a family dinner at Aunt's Sharon place on saturday... Cik Abg senyum sampai ke tlinga biler dapat permission to stay longer... tangan dah lama tak memancing,Cik Abg ngajak Aiman untuk mancing...but first,he wanted to go get a new rod for himself...Papa borrowed him his ros since Cik abg takder rod sndiri lagi..i borught them to Taman Jaya for fishing...not much of luck,tak dapat pun sekor...yang peliknye..the family besides us got almost 30 tilapia in less than 20minutes...Mandremm ke hapeee mata kail tuuu....
Day 4 (Saturday)
Early morning left home to Jalan Pudu untuk beli rod baru...adik Cik Abg had a fre who bought the fishing set at a cheap price there...we tried our luck searching & going into KL on a Saturday by car...yeappp...KL tu dah ler bandar besar..selalu jam plak tuuu..dengan tour guide yang fail jalan KL lagi..hahha..really not agood combination...however,in less tah 30minutes,i manage to get us in the right direction & even found the fishing shop...Aiman even got himself a new rod...untunglahh dapat ABANG yang rajin melayannn...4hari melekat..dah macam adik bradik dah dieorg ni...Cik Abg got the rod he wanted...then we went to Times Square again..Cik Abg nak beli baju..kate nyer xder proper shirt for the family dinner...end of the day..he bought a Flippers(Slipper) & 2 cardigans...he's been wanting to buy me flats tapi aku asyik tolak..ahaha..xder yang berkenan pun & also he already overspend for himself..kalau aku layankan nafsu shopping...makan pasir ler dier bler balik muadzam nanti...mummy told us to be home by 6pm...& we did...sempat golek2 rehat before getting ready...left for the dinner at 7pm...makan2 minum2..maen2...left Aunty's place at 9pm cos the boys nak test power rod memasing....ahahha...tetttttttttt...blablabla....too much of elobration & in the end...we could catch 1 tilapia...we could have had more tapi banyak yang for aiman,he didn't get much of a fish but he worked part time cleaning up the pond..asal tarik jer,dapat daun kering...pity him...>.<
Day 5 (Sunday)
Aiman nak jugak maen bowling before we head back to Cik Abg pun bawaklah Aiman gie maen dekat IOI...nak pegi jauh2,nanti tak sempat pulak nak balik...sadly,there was Hicom Family Day bowling tournement...we had no choice tapi meninggalkan bowling alley dengan kecewa...bagi mengubat kekecewaan..Cik abg blanja Aiman culy fries A&W and a few round at the arcade...before we know was already 4pm...cepat2 balik & packing...left home for Muadzam at 6pm..had a slow & safe journey back...
here i am,updating the 5 days entry...=)
baru siap assigment CBB & jari dah penat menaip..nak baringbaring ular sawa....wehoooo...ending the entry with a few picture i snapped...c'yasssss...
p/s : positive respond from the family...=)
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