Ohhh hoo..another weekend full of kenduri kawen...memang tak ler aku nak diet macam ni...
This week ader 3 jemputan kenduri kawen but i can only go for 2 out of three...1 was today,later on i'll story mory more about it...another would be tomorrow...
Balik Ibam cos Mak called me up to teman her for a kenduri..at first ingatkan tak jadi balik cos Cik Abang gotta work..but then, he said he got the day off sebab Hari Agong katenyer...ahhaa...Mak was already waiting for me..kesian plak Mak tak gie kenduri if im not around..takder org teman..huhuh..
Maaf Mak,esok punye kenduri Sara tak ley nak ikowt..member dah sebulan awal jemput untuk kenduri dier..ermmm...i feel pretty bad leaving her...=.='
I dont mean to criticize the wedding flow..tapi agak kelam kabut susunan dier...
1) The pelamin was giler simple & agak small...everyting(bunga telur,tempat duduk,bunga hiasan & etc)
2)Meja pengatin; they ate by them self..1 khemah just for the bride & groom, their pengapit & the groom's parents)
3) Khemah tetamu, makanan serius tak cukup(not that im complaining cost aku sendri tak dapat makan..huhu)...tempat duduk pun tak cukup...untuk yang gentleman,bagi lah jgak pompuan duduk..& the guys ended up sitting on peoples balcony..agak tak patut macam tu...
Me & Mak cpat2 makan untuk bagi org laen duduk plak..it was also xtremely hot witout any fan/wind... balik rumah, i lay down for a bit..kindda have tummy ache..perut meragam tak sedap...& that makes me be a moody monster...mangsanya, Cik Abang kene melayan..huhu...
Maaf xder gambar, there's noting interesting to snap..eventhough i wanted to show want i meant by the wedding flow tak best...its owhkkk,maybe that's how the simplest wedding kenduri is suppose to be...JANJI ADA kannn...
Still having stomach ache..hurmmm..gonna get my butt of this chair & off to bed...i have got to be well for tommorow...long journey & its gonna be a long day...
k,nytes peeps...
p/s : have got to start doing tudung/selendang/hijab collection plak lepas ni..>.<
p/s : bler berdiam, diri disalahkan..bler menjawab,kurang ajar name nyer...
This week ader 3 jemputan kenduri kawen but i can only go for 2 out of three...1 was today,later on i'll story mory more about it...another would be tomorrow...
Balik Ibam cos Mak called me up to teman her for a kenduri..at first ingatkan tak jadi balik cos Cik Abang gotta work..but then, he said he got the day off sebab Hari Agong katenyer...ahhaa...Mak was already waiting for me..kesian plak Mak tak gie kenduri if im not around..takder org teman..huhuh..
Maaf Mak,esok punye kenduri Sara tak ley nak ikowt..member dah sebulan awal jemput untuk kenduri dier..ermmm...i feel pretty bad leaving her...=.='
I dont mean to criticize the wedding flow..tapi agak kelam kabut susunan dier...
1) The pelamin was giler simple & agak small...everyting(bunga telur,tempat duduk,bunga hiasan & etc)
2)Meja pengatin; they ate by them self..1 khemah just for the bride & groom, their pengapit & the groom's parents)
3) Khemah tetamu, makanan serius tak cukup(not that im complaining cost aku sendri tak dapat makan..huhu)...tempat duduk pun tak cukup...untuk yang gentleman,bagi lah jgak pompuan duduk..& the guys ended up sitting on peoples balcony..agak tak patut macam tu...
Me & Mak cpat2 makan untuk bagi org laen duduk plak..it was also xtremely hot witout any fan/wind... balik rumah, i lay down for a bit..kindda have tummy ache..perut meragam tak sedap...& that makes me be a moody monster...mangsanya, Cik Abang kene melayan..huhu...
Maaf xder gambar, there's noting interesting to snap..eventhough i wanted to show want i meant by the wedding flow tak best...its owhkkk,maybe that's how the simplest wedding kenduri is suppose to be...JANJI ADA kannn...
Still having stomach ache..hurmmm..gonna get my butt of this chair & off to bed...i have got to be well for tommorow...long journey & its gonna be a long day...
k,nytes peeps...
p/s : have got to start doing tudung/selendang/hijab collection plak lepas ni..>.<
p/s : bler berdiam, diri disalahkan..bler menjawab,kurang ajar name nyer...
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