Kuala Lumpur

Phewwww....after almost two months leaving dear KL,here i am..blogging from my sweety room...wehoo...yeapp..mnggu ni balik KL awal gler duer to some other matters...later on ill story more aitee...this post might not have much any pictures,cost i was BUSY & kindda tak terlintas nak amik gambar pun...=)

Anyways,here i am...in KL,since wednesday..left MSC bout 6pm & reach home bout 10pm...haaa..laju takk??tak pun rase nyer kann...it was rainy here & there,so tak ley nak bawak laju sgt pun...jalan yang licin bley mnyebabkan macam2 perkara buruk berlaku kalau tak berhati...ALHAMDULILLAH,we(me & aik abg) arrived my home safely...

Thursay morning,woke up gler early sebab Cik Abg ader intervier dengan Sime Darby...i did mentioned it earlier in previous entry...the only HQ i knew was the 1 in Ara Damansara,how ever it turned out to be the wrong HQ....Cik Abg was suppose to attend interview in Wisma Guthrie Sime Darby,Damansara..kan tak pepasal kene silent war dalam kete for awhile...

Okayyy,aku anak KL,tapi fail jalan2 kat KL...& i dont know what was wrong with me yesterday...dari pagi smpi ke ptg,asyik bawak ke jalan sesat jerr..haiyhhh...

With the help of GPS,maen reah jer ikowt suke asal selamat sampai...2 jam untuk mencari tempat tu jer..luckily we reached there bout 10.30am...sampai2,ader pakcik kerani sambut by giving Cik Abg a form to fill...i wanted to let him fill it by himself,tapi dier sndiri terkial2 nak isi sebab tak baper fluent in ENGLISH...

A guy,fresly gradute i assume,kuar dari bilik interview..tersengih2 macam kerang busuk...ntah aper lahh kann deir kene soal dalam bilik tu tadi...5minutes pass since the guy came out & Cik Abg still tak siap2 isi borang tadi...last2,1 of the interviewer kuar dari bilik & mintak resume...i handed it over...

Tak sampai 5 minit lagi,akk ku panggil Cik Abg masuk bilik untuk intervier witout asking for the form...okayyy...tawakal jer lahhh...Cik Abg pun masuk bilik tu ngan neves..after 5 minutes,i heard them laughing..ntah aper yang lawak sgt smpi kami yang kat luar bilik pun bley dengar mereka2 dalam bilik tu gelak2....i could hear a few words that they speak,ader yang clear..aku yang duk luar bilik pun ader nak tergelak....

Nak dekat sejam Cik abg dalam bilik tu...dammmmnnn,risau pulak kannn...baru nak terlelap,.cik abg pun kuar dari bilik tu...tersngih senyum smpi ke tlnga...hahha...he said dier nak cabut cepat2 dari tmpat tu..aku yang blurr pun cepat2 kemas brg..ngehehee...

i asked him what happen & he said...he might not get the job...hurmmm...i asked what happen...& he said,the interviewer said that he had all the qualification they need...EXCEPT...Cik Abg cusn't apeak nor write fluent English...that was he;s only weakness,..

The interviewer sounds nice from what i hear...& Cik abg got excited knowing what his scope of job really is...i said to him..." xperlah pa,kalau dapat...dapat lahh...tak dapat pun xper kann...at least dah try....ader rezeki tu,ader lah..no worries.."

Cik abg hnya mampu tersnyum...neves dalam dada tak hilang lagi...through out journey pulang,he kept on saying how much he loves the job they offer..soal gaji?? it worth the job he's doing compared to his current employer... even the interviewer feels the same...

Tak pe lah...for now,bwat je lah aper yang ader...they said they would call him up wothin 20 days with a month notice if he got job..mudah2an,he'll get what he wish for...AMIN...

Balik rumah,pegi lunch dekat Alladin sambil tnggu ket kene cuci...fetch Aiman from school than pulang untuk bersiap gie jenjalan...heeee....sukeeeeeeee...=)
Entry jenjalan ill update next post okayyy,sekar dah kul1am & im kindda tired...Cik abg dah sedap terlena..esok ader breakfast date with the gulrfrenz..>.<

Nunyteeesss peepssss...
Sweet dreammzzzz....

p/s : duduk KL lelame,confirm ley benti rokok automatically...=)

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