
Almost a week tak mengupdate..sorry sorry..." i'm sorry " bwat gaya amir raja lawak... ahaha...kemalasan & tiada idea pun nak update aper sebenarnyer...anyways,entry ni...crash course updates untuk the past a week i have not been updating okayyy..alaaaa,kira langsai ler tu hutang entry smnggu...panjang atau x,kite tnggu jer pnghujung nnti...tgk jari ni rajin ke tak nak tuktaktuk keyboard ni...

Updates 1 :

Id baru dah dapat dah..wehooo..its officially im no longer an Accounting student...ramai mungkin xtau yang aku tukar course ke Finance..hurmmm..hati berat nak tinggalkan course Accounting tu,tapi its for the best in my future...hopefully aku tobatt & tak bwat lagi kesalahan & kesilapan lame.... kawan-kawan,doakan aku tobat bebetul yer..xmau memain dah ni...insaaapppp....=.='

Updates 2 :

Ari jumaat lepas ader gie Kuantan kejap..Cik Abang nak submit his assigment...he got his temporary results transkrip...yeaahh,dier blaja lagi...&&&&&& sila tahu i'm soooooo proud of him...total subject for his course is 12 *kalau tak silap*...result temporary dah ader 10 subject...out of the 10,he had 7 subject with 4 leper...the reminder was 3.67...the total for his CGPA was 3.10...haaaa..amik kaauuu...laki kau pun bley dapat 3 pointer..kau punye result,3 pun xcium....cisssss...okayyy....dengan ini,my Cik Abang sudah cabar untuk dapat more than him...damnnndamnnn...mampukah aku???? Insya'aalh..bolehhhh...

Updates 3 :

My Cik Abang tak baper nak sihat..ohh,pity him...kalau takat sakit demam/selsema boleh lah jugak aku nak jaga..ni sakit kat mulut..u knowww...Blisters...bukan yogourt Bliss tuu tauuu...ni mcm benjol air yang ader dalam mulut tu..bler benjol tu pecah,sendri merasa sakit dier macam ni...he has this few blisters underneath his tongue...3 big once...dah almost 4 hari sakit kat mulut tu..siap beli ubat tahan sakit,tapi xder effect langsung...badan dah imune ngan ubat kowtt... bila sakit,aper bwat pun salah...salah ckp pun kene sound...huhu...xper,,aku manusia PALINGGG understanding...disebabkan dier sakit,aku bagi peluang kat dier untuk marah2...heeehhhh...as a result,aku mendiamkan diri dgn muka masam & chillkan hati sendiri tanpa perlu dipujuk *pernah pulak org kene marah gelak2 terloncat2 macam beruk* .... May he get well soon... tak suka lah my cik abang jadi grumpy monster...>.<

Updates 4 :

Pernah bace entry ni tak...haaaaa,well..i onlly mentioned about MPOB kannnn... i didn't bother to write more sebab my Cik Abang might read & not like what i did..huhu...sooo hari ni aku nak bagi tau...i applied for him job applictaion at Sime Darby & IOI property jugakkk... i was really hoping that he would get any 1 of these..maner lah tau,with a new job & new pay...it would be much easier for him to save $$$ untuk kawen nanti...hahhaa... soooo,finally...hari ni..Sime Darby called Cik Abang...they asked him to go for an interview in the 23rd...haaaaa...23rd?? Its our anniversarry date...wehooo... Cik Abang still tak bagitau he wants to go or not for the interview...tapi aku doakan,if he goes for the interview...he might get some good news since 23rd in our lucky date...ceewahahhh...lucky date,xley blahhhh...follow up on next entry okayyy..=)

Updates 5 :

Hari Sabtu lepas ader pegi kenduri Kimie kat Chini..gambar tak banyak pun sebab we were late,so not much interesting pictures to take...time sampai,all the other guess was heading back...Kimie & his bride was sending his in- laws back... we sat & makanmakan...waited for Kimie to see & asked how he was doing...its been a month or more since all of us meet him...al-maklumlahh...dah tak keje kat Felda Merchong...he got transferred to Felda Chini sejak kahwin...nak dekat ngan famili lahhh....duk kat Merchong,maner nak letak bini dier..kan..kan..heee...done dengan kenduri Kimie,we went to Tasik Chini...cantik lah seyhh tempat tu...penuh ngan pengatin nak bwat photoshoot...haha..klakar jer tengok the bride's in tight kebaya terloncat2 nak ikowt arahan photographer memasing...heee...

Updates 6 :

This week ader 2 quiz (QNTB & CBB)...Midterm on the way to come in 2 weeks,date not confirm..assigment ENBB yang sikit punya blurblur sebab dah setahun tinggalkan subject languange & now terpakseRela bwat the same assigment i did a year ago..kalau lah report paper dulu ada lagi,aku dah copypaste & submit sekarang jugak...perlu crack the brain for a topic on " English & Education"..ader sesape ader idea...sudi2kan lah menyumbang..huhu...i promise to pun ur name in the Penghargaan section..hehhh...

oWHHHooo...dah macam panjang plak entry ni..hahhaa..panjang tak panjang,6 jugak short updates i gave okayyy...ckup lahh tu untuk cover crite smnggu...=)

Paip rumah tersumbat,xley nak pakai any sinks in the house...entah aper yang tersumbat sampai banjir dapur kesayangan ku...& the smell...phewwwwww...loji Indah Water pun lagi wangi...due to xbley pakai sink,kene lah aku makan kat fudcort..nak masak,kene mncuci plak...celah maner nak mencuci...nak basuh dlm tnds,kang tnds pun berbau maggi bagai..hahaha...

Daaahhhhhh...enuf kowt 4 now...an an an...nak try bce notes CBB & a little research untuk tajuk assigmnet ENBB...harap2 tak ttdo...heeee...

p/s : kalau brani try panggil aku QUENN CONTROL depan2...ada aku kesah??

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